Other Ways to Give

Tax-Smart Giving

If you’re among the growing number of donors who prefer to support our mission while benefiting from potential tax-saving opportunities, we’re pleased to offer several tax-smart giving options. You can make a gift of stocks, contribute through donor-advised funds, or make qualified charitable distributions from your IRA. We hope you’ll consider these options as you plan your charitable giving. 

Donation of Securities

We are equipped to receive donations in the form of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. For instructions on making stock donations, please call 213.368.1874 or email director@laymissionhelpers.org.

Donor Advised Funds

Lay Mission-Helpers Association welcomes and encourages gifts from Donor Advised Funds (DAFs). If you have a DAF account, you can easily make a gift to Lay Mission-Helpers here.

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) a.k.a IRA Charitable Rollover Gifts

IRA owners age 70½ or over can transfer up to $100,000 to charity tax-free each year. These transfers, known as qualified charitable distributions or QCDs, offer eligible older Americans a great way to easily give to charity before the end of the year. Moreover, for those who are at least 73, QCDs count toward the IRA owner's required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year. Normally, distributions from a traditional individual retirement arrangement (IRA) are taxable when received. With a QCD, however, these distributions become tax-free as long as they're paid directly from the IRA to an eligible charitable organization like Lay Mission-Helpers AssociationFor more info about QCDs visit the IRS website. To make a gift to LMH from your IRA, contact your IRA trustee before the end of the current calendar year so that they can process the gift in time. 

Giving Tuesday - Annual Campaign

Every year, GivingTuesday is a day dedicated to giving back, where people across the globe come together to support the causes closest to their hearts. We at the Lay Mission-Helpers Association (LMH) are deeply grateful for the support we’ve received over the years, which has enabled our lay Catholic missionaries to serve in Ghana, Uganda, and Peru, sharing the love of Christ through education, healthcare, and community development. Your support directly impacts the lives of those we serve, from remote villages in Africa to underserved communities in Latin America and beyond. By including the Lay Mission-Helpers Association in your GivingTuesday contributions, you help us continue our mission of bringing hope, dignity, and opportunity to those most in need.
How to Give:
1. Online Donation. Click here to make a secure online donation.
2. Mail-In Donation: Send your giver to our office at 6102 S. Victoria Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90043
3. Spread the Word: Share our mission with your family and friends, encouraging them to support LMH on GivingTuesday

Give a Gift to Honor Family and Friends

Give the gift of quality education, healthcare or of faith by honoring a family member or friend through a donation to the Lay Mission-Helpers Association. Your gift makes it possible for a Lay Mission-Helper to serve in mission in Catholic hospitals and schools, sharing their gifts and living their faith.

Donate Any Vehicle from Anywhere in the United States!

Lay Mission-Helpers are partnering with the Los Angeles-based Cars2Charities to be able to accept donations of any vehicles (cars, trucks, boats, etc.) from anywhere in the United States. Cars2Charities will work with donors, assist them with paperwork, schedule a vehicle pickup, and sell the vehicle for the benefit of our mission. The donor will receive a donation receipt for the amount for which the vehicle sells. I could not be easier. Just go to our vehicle donation page here and start the process.

Planned Giving

You may also be interested becoming a member of the Msgr. Anthony Brouwers Legacy Circle by your planned giving.


We ask that you remember in your prayers the Lay Mission-Helpers currently serving around the world, those preparing to go, as well as those who have served and are now returned “veterans.” We invite the faithful to join us in our prayers that more of the laity will recognize and follow a call of service to our brothers and sisters in the missions. Pray with us the mission rosary for these intentions and the intentions of all people in the missions.


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