Planned Giving
Thank you for showing great compassion and generosity in continuing the work of our missioners around the world. By including Lay Mission-Helpers in your will or estate plans, you can help support nurses, teachers and other professionals sharing their gifts for years to come.
It’s simple to begin establishing your lasting legacy right now and the tax benefits can be significant. With just a little planning and a big heart, you can arrange a charitable plan that brings hope.
Bequests are greatly appreciated, tax-exempt and easy to make. An attorney can help you incorporate language into your will or trust for the following options:
1. Designate a percentage of your estate.
2. Indicate a fixed sum.
3. Gift a residual bequest. Once the named beneficiaries have received their specified bequests, Lay
Mission-Helpers Association receives the remaining amount of the estate.
4. Make a contingent bequest. Lay Mission-Helpers would receive certain assets only if named
individuals in your will do not outlive you.
Other Options
You can also donate stocks, bonds and mutual funds that have increased in value. This allows you to receive tax savings while supporting LMH.
For a free will planning guide, or for more information on specific ways to include Lay Mission-Helpers in your charitable giving, please contact our office: